Academic Assessments

Are you looking to find out exactly where your child is with their learning?

Perhaps you’ve noticed that where your child’s teacher has said they are achieving the required skills, that they are not at home?

Maybe you just want to know which areas of learning your child is struggling with?

At Breakaway Education, we can provide you with a full comprehensive, academic assessment.

Our academic assessments use the latest diagnostic assessments to cover EVERY area of learning for your child.

We look at what stages of skill development your child is at for skills they should have acquired, look at where they should be currently, and then let you know what year and age levels your child is operating at.

Our assessments can look at a wide range of subject areas (such as all of Maths curriculum and all of English curriculum) OR it can be specifically targeted to one specific area of concern (such as writing, spelling or comprehension).

Let us provide you with the FULL PICTURE of what is going on for your child, and help direct you to where you may need to go for additional support.

Length of Assessment

A standard assessment will be an hour in length, however, it may vary to an hour and a half, depending on content and what we are looking at.

Assessments can be intense and mentally straining for children, and we will stop assessments if your child appears to be struggling.

What is included

Our assessments not only include the actual physical assessment with you child. At Breakaway Education, we also provide a comprehensive report on the assessment conducted. This report details what areas are covered, what things were found during the assessment, suggestions on how to assist your child in the classroom environment, and any further recommendations that may need to be considered moving forward.